Sorry for the rough draft of the options i will organize them better later.
- Hint: Adjust how quickly your shape attains maximum speed by setting the acceleration rate, measured in seconds per speed level.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0.01
- Max value: 10
Maximum Speed
- Hint: Control the top speed your shape can reach during gameplay, without factoring in the drop speed.
- Variable:
- Min value: 1
- Max value: 15
- Filter
- Hint: Toggle the screen filter to enhance your visual experience.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1
Sound Effects
- SFX Wrap Around Sound
- Hint: Toggle to enable or disable the wrap-around sound effect.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1
Error Row
- Hint: Sets the maximum row where the CPU will intentionally make errors.
- Variable:
- Min value: -1
- Max value: 20
AI Lateral Sensitivity
- Hint: Fine-tune the AI’s responsiveness to lateral movement.
- Variable:
- Min value: 1
- Max value: 40
AI Precision Speed
- Hint: Set the AI’s deceleration rate as it nears its target position.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0.5
- Max value: 10
AI Decision Rate
- Hint: Adjust how often the AI evaluates moves during gameplay.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 38
AI Speed Fluctuation
- Hint: Control the speed fluctuation for AI-controlled shapes.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 10
AI: Landing(4)
- Hint: Score weight for a shape’s full landing, where all four blocks are supported from below.
- Variable:
- Min value: -50
- Max value: 400
- AI: Landing(3)
- Hint: Score weight when one of the shape’s blocks isn’t supported from below.
- Variable:
- Min value: -50
- Max value: 400
- AI: Landing(2)
- Hint: Score weight when two of the shape’s blocks aren’t supported from below.
- Variable:
- Min value: -50
- Max value: 400
- AI: Landing(1)
- Hint: Score weight when three of the shape’s blocks aren’t supported from below.
- Variable:
- Min value: -50
- Max value: 400
- AI: Rows(4)
- Hint: Score weight for a shape’s placement that clears four rows simultaneously.
- Variable:
- Min value: -50
- Max value: 400
- AI: Rows(3)
- Hint: Score weight for a shape’s placement that clears three rows.
- Variable:
- Min value: -50
- Max value: 400
- AI: Rows(2)
- Hint: Score weight for a shape’s placement that clears two rows.
- Variable:
- Min value: -50
- Max value: 400
- AI: Rows(1)
- Hint: Score weight for a shape’s placement that clears one row.
- Variable:
- Min value: -50
- Max value: 400
- AI: Right Check
- Hint: Score weight for how many of the shape’s blocks align with blocks to its right.
- Variable:
- Min value: -50
- Max value: 400
- AI: Left Check
- Hint: Score weight for how many of the shape’s blocks align with blocks to its left.
- Variable:
- Min value: -50
- Max value: 400
Arena Configuration
- Number of Columns
- Hint: Adjust the number of columns in the game arena.
- Variable:
- Min value: 6
- Max value: 40
- Game Arena X-Position
- Hint: Customize the horizontal positioning of the game arena.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 800
- Spawn Lock
- Hint: Set the starting position during Super Scrolling.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1
Wrap Around
- Wrap Around
- Hint: Toggle wrap-around feature for shapes.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1
- Active Speed Row
- Hint: Determine the row where active shapes reach their full level speed.
- Variable:
- Min value: -14
- Max value: 28
- Active Speed Limit
- Hint: Set the maximum speed of active shapes before they reach the speed row.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0.01
- Max value: 20
- Inactive Start Row
- Hint: Specify the row where inactive shapes start moving at their inactive speed.
- Variable:
- Min value: -15
- Max value: 28
- Inactive Start Limit
- Hint: Set the maximum speed of inactive shapes before they reach the start row.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0.01
- Max value: 20
- Inactive End Row
- Hint: Set the row at which inactive shapes shift from their initial speed to the final speed.
- Variable:
- Min value: -10
- Max value: 28
- Inactive End Speed
- Hint: Controls the final speed limit of inactive shapes.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0.00
- Max value: 40
- Inactive Speed
- Hint: Speed that the shapes move between the Inactive Start Row and the Inactive End Row.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0.01
- Max value: 40
- H-Row Offset Threshold
- Hint: Sets the row distance from the highest block, setting a threshold for activating the Offset Speed Deviation.
- Variable:
- Min value: -10
- Max value: 28
- Lineup Size
- Hint: How big of a lineup to use.
- Variable:
- Min value: 1
- Max value: 20
- H-Row Offset Deviation
- Hint: Adjusts the speed deviation when your shape is near the high row within the game arena.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0.01
- Max value: 2.0
- Landing Speed Buffer
- Hint: Set the distance (in rows) before your shape lands.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 48
- Landing Speed Control
- Hint: Adjust the speed deviation to slow down your shape as it approaches its landing position.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0.01
- Max value: 2.0
- Shape Transformation
- Hint: Choose how shapes morph into their complementary forms.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 3
- Line Transformations
- Hint: Set the number of shape morphs into a line shape.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1000
- Mulligans
- Hint: Select the number of chances your shape has to erase or break away from a bad landing.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1000
- Auto Landing Distance
- Hint: Adjust the distance (in rows) for the auto landing mechanism.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 48
- Auto Landing Range
- Hint: Define the range of columns the auto landing mechanism searches for a good landing position.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 40
- Shape Slide Duration
- Hint: Set the time allowance for sliding your shape before it securely locks in place.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0.0
- Max value: 200.0
- Auto Landing Error Check
- Hint: Enable auto landing only when a placement error is detected.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1
- Auto Landing L/R Override
- Hint: This setting determines whether moving the shape left or right prevents auto landing from activating.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1
- Auto Landing Down Override
- Hint: This setting controls whether manually moving the shape downwards prevents auto landing from activating.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1
- Auto Landing Interruption
- Hint: This setting determines if any input (keys or joystick movements) interrupts auto landing.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1
- Smart Rotate
- Hint: Toggle the smart rotate feature.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1
- Smart Rotate Time
- Hint: This setting determines the duration for the Smart Rotate feature.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 100
- Smart Rotate Hold Time
- Hint: This setting determines the duration that your shape remains still after a Smart Rotate.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 100
- Never Ending Mode
- Hint: Choose how the game behaves when you reach Game Over.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 3
- NeverEnd Speed Decrease
- Hint: Define the decrease in speed when you would have reached Game Over in Never Ending Mode.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 9
- Never Ending Duration
- Hint: Set the maximum number of lines that can be accumulated in Never Ending Mode.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1000
- Landing Behavior
- Hint: Set the landing behavior mode.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 2
- Even Steven
- Hint: Set the Even Steven mode.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 2
- Mentor Mode
- Hint: Toggle the Mentor mode.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1
- Screen Swipe
- Hint: Toggle the screen swipe mode.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1
- Give ‘N’ Go
- Hint: Set the ‘Give ‘N’ Go’ mode.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 2
- Speed Increase
- Hint: Set the number of completed lines required to increase the falling speed of shapes by 1 level.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 100
- Minimum Speed
- Hint: Set the minimum speed for the game.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0.0
- Max value: 20.0
- H-Row Inactive Trigger
- Hint: Sets the H-Row trigger for inactive speed changes.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 28
- H-Row Inactive Speed
- Hint: Defines the speed limit for inactive shapes once the H-Row Inactive Trigger is hit.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0.0
- Max value: 10.0
- H-Row Speed Trigger
- Hint: Sets the trigger point for active speed changes.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 28
- H-Row Speed Deviance
- Hint: Adjusts the speed of actively falling shapes once the H-Row Speed Trigger is reached.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0.05
- Max value: 2.0
- L-Row Inactive Trigger
- Hint: Sets the L-Row trigger for inactive speed changes.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 28
- L-Row Inactive Speed
- Hint: Defines the speed limit for inactive shapes once the L-Row Inactive Trigger is hit.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0.0
- Max value: 10.0
- L-Row Spawn Trigger
- Hint: Determines the L-Row at which the spawning position of new shapes starts to shift.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 28
- L-Row Spawn Offset
- Hint: Specifies the number of rows to raise the spawn position of new shapes once the ‘L-Row Spawn Trigger’ is met.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 20
- L-Row Speed Trigger
- Hint: Sets the trigger point for active speed changes.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 28
- L-Row Speed Deviance
- Hint: Adjusts the speed of actively falling shapes once the L-Row Speed Trigger is reached.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0.05
- Max value: 2.0
- Spawn Row Variation
- Hint: Establishes the degree of random variation applied to the spawn row position.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 10
- Side Fall Deviance
- Hint: Adjusts the falling speed of shapes during sideways movements.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0.05
- Max value: 2.0
- Spin Fall Deviance
- Hint: Modifies the falling speed of shapes during spins.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0.05
- Max value: 2.0
- Spin Sensitivity
- Hint: Sets the rotation speed of shapes.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0.00
- Max value: 3.0
- Drop Sensitivity
- Hint: Controls the acceleration of shapes when manually dropping them.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 20
- X Sensitivity
- Hint: Adjusts the speed of the shapes’ horizontal movement.
- Variable:
- Min value: 5.0
- Max value: 20.0
- Smart Shadow
- Hint: Controls the display of landing indicators for falling shapes.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 2
- Animate Arena
- Hint: Toggles the animation of the arena.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1
- Real Time Mode
- Hint: Toggles between classic and real-time gameplay.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1
- Auto Align
- Hint: Activates automatic alignment for shapes.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1
- Active Speed
- Hint: Regulates the falling speed of active shapes.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0.0
- Max value: 15.0
- Animation Speed
- Hint: Adjusts the speed of arena animations.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0.0
- Max value: 10.0
- Music
- Hint: Toggle the in-game MIDI music.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1
- Player Tag
- Hint: Toggles player tags on shapes.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 2
- Slow-Poke Mode
- Hint: Toggles the Slow-Poke mode.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1
- Side Deviance Timer
- Hint: Sets the duration in cycles for which the Side Fall Deviance is active.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 100
- Spin Deviance Timer
- Hint: Sets the duration in cycles for which the Spin Deviance is active.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 100
- R-Removal Requirement
- Hint: Determines the number of full rows required for a single shape to clear those rows.
- Variable:
- Min value: 1
- Max value: 4
- Row Removal Total
- Hint: Sets the total number of full rows needed before the game checks to clear them from the arena.
- Variable:
- Min value: 1
- Max value: 38
- Shape Per Row Check
- Hint: Indicates how many shapes need to be placed before the game verifies if there are rows to clear.
- Variable:
- Min value: 1
- Max value: 385
- R-Clear LRow Line Check
- Hint: Sets the depth the lowest accessible row (LRow) needs to be before the game checks to clear rows.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 38
- R-Clear HRow Line Check
- Hint: Sets the height the topmost block (HRow) needs to be before the game checks to clear rows.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 38
- R-Clear Game Over Line
- Hint: Determines if the game checks for clearable lines only upon a game over scenario.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1
- Row Clearance Limit
- Hint: Sets the total number of times the game checks for clearable rows.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1000
- Game Over Row Offset
- Hint: Defines the row that triggers a game over upon block landing.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 10
- Give N Go Wait Mode
- Hint: Activates a mode where the player’s shape must land before the computer’s shapes start their descent.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1
- Give n Go CPU Speed Dev.
- Hint: Adjusts the speed at which computer-controlled shapes fall in relation to the player’s shape.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0.0
- Max value: 1.0
Particle Engine
- P1: Particle Min X Vel.
- Hint: Determine the minimum horizontal velocity for particles in Shape 1.
- Variable:
- Min value: -20.0
- Max value: 20.0
- P1: Particle Max X Vel.
- Hint: Set the maximum horizontal velocity for particles in Shape 1.
- Variable:
- Min value: -20.0
- Max value: 20.0
- P1: Particle Min Y Vel.
- Hint: Establish the minimum vertical velocity for particles in Shape 1.
- Variable:
- Min value: -20.0
- Max value: 20.0
- P1: Particle Max Y Vel.
- Hint: Determine the maximum vertical velocity for particles in Shape 1.
- Variable:
- Min value: -20.0
- Max value: 20.0
- P1: Min Velocity Multiplier
- Hint: Set the ‘gentle breeze’ effect for Shape 1 particles.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0.0
- Max value: 2.0
- P1: Max Velocity Multiplier
- Hint: Control the ‘whirlwind’ effect for Shape 1 particles.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0.0
- Max value: 3.0
- P1: Particle Speed Factor
- Hint: Adjust the spin speed of particles around Shape 1.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 10
- P1: Particle Throw Chance
- Hint: Define the probability of particles being ‘thrown’ away from Shape 1.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0.0
- Max value: 1.0
- P1: Particle Throw Intens
- Hint: Set the force behind the ‘throwing’ effect of particles for Shape 1.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0.0
- Max value: 5.0
- P1: Particle Min Lifespan
- Hint: Determine the shortest duration a particle from Shape 1 can exist.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 100
- P1: Particle Max Lifespan
- Hint: Set the maximum longevity for particles of Shape 1.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 100.0
- P1: End Color Chance
- Hint: Probability a particle transitions to its end color.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 100
- P1: Trailer Density
- Hint: Density of particle trail behind Shape 1.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 12000
- P1: Particle Size
- Hint: Size of individual particles for Shape 1.
- Variable:
- Min value: 1
- Max value: 25
- P1: Start Color Blocks
- Hint: Number of color blocks when particle begins.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 4
- P1: Color Start Fraction
- Hint: Fraction determining when particle begins changing color.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1
- Score: No Line Clear
- Hint: Score awarded when no lines are cleared.
- Variable:
- Min value: -2000
- Max value: 2000
- Score: Single Line Clear
- Hint: Score awarded for clearing a single line.
- Variable:
- Min value: -2000
- Max value: 2000
- Score: Double Line Clear
- Hint: Score awarded for clearing two lines simultaneously.
- Variable:
- Min value: -2000
- Max value: 2000
- Score: Triple Line Clear
- Hint: Score awarded for clearing three lines simultaneously.
- Variable:
- Min value: -2000
- Max value: 2000
- Score: 4 Lines Cleared
- Hint: Score awarded for clearing four lines simultaneously.
- Variable:
- Min value: -2000
- Max value: 2000
- Hustle Bonus Multiplier
- Hint: Multiplier reward for playing faster.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0.0
- Max value: 10.0
- Wrap Around Land Bonus
- Hint: Bonus for landing a shape using wrap-around.
- Variable:
- Min value: -2000
- Max value: 2000
- Wrap Around Line Bonus
- Hint: Bonus for clearing a line using wrap-around.
- Variable:
- Min value: -2000
- Max value: 2000
- Break Away Bonus
- Hint: Bonus for cascade-style line clears.
- Variable:
- Min value: -2000
- Max value: 2000
- Mistake Penalty
- Hint: Penalty points deducted for making mistakes.
- Variable:
- Min value: -2000
- Max value: 2000
- Intentional Mistake Bonus
- Hint: Bonus points for making intentional mistakes.
- Variable:
- Min value: -2000
- Max value: 2000
- Mulligan Penalty
- Hint: Penalty points for using a mulligan.
- Variable:
- Min value: -2000
- Max value: 2000
- Morph Penalty
- Hint: Penalty for using a shape morph.
- Variable:
- Min value: -2000
- Max value: 2000
- Good Landing Bonus
- Hint: Bonus points awarded for good landing.
- Variable:
- Min value: -2000
- Max value: 2000
- Max Hustle Bonus
- Hint: Maximum bonus points for playing faster.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 2000
- Game Speed Multiplier
- Hint: Multiplier affecting game speed and related scoring.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0.0
- Max value: 10.0
- New Shape Load
- Hint: Load a new set of shapes when the level reloads.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1
- No Bad Landing
- Hint: If you cannot land a shape, you get one you can land.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1
Player Speed Details
- Player 1 Max Speed
- Hint: This is player 1’s fastest speed.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 40
- Player 1 Min Speed
- Hint: This is player 1’s slowest speed.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 40
- Player 1 Ghost Amount
- Hint: This is how many ghosts are allowed for player 1.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 8
- Player 1 Speed Behavior
- Hint: This determines if shapes can alter their speeds.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1
- Player 2 Max Speed
- Hint: This is player 2’s fastest speed.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 40
- Player 2 Min Speed
- Hint: This is player 2’s slowest speed.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 40
- Player 2 Ghost Amount
- Hint: This is how many ghosts are allowed for player 2.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 8
- Player 2 Speed Behavior
- Hint: This determines if shapes can alter their speeds.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1
- Player 3 Max Speed
- Hint: This is player 3’s fastest speed.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 40
- Player 3 Min Speed
- Hint: This is player 3’s slowest speed.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 40
- Player 3 Ghost Amount
- Hint: This is how many ghosts are allowed for player 3.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 8
- Player 3 Speed Behavior
- Hint: This determines if shapes can alter their speeds.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1
- Player 4 Max Speed
- Hint: This is player 4’s fastest speed.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 40
- Player 4 Min Speed
- Hint: This is player 4’s slowest speed.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 40
- Player 4 Ghost Amount
- Hint: This is how many ghosts are allowed for player 4.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 8
- Player 4 Speed Behavior
- Hint: This determines if shapes can alter their speeds.
- Variable:
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 1
- Max Speed Override
- Hint: This sets your max speed for now.
- Variable:
- Min value: -1
- Max value: 40